Thursday, May 17, 2012

School Supply List

Its hard to think about next year when this year isn't even over!  There are only 11 school days left, though, and Mrs. G and I just finished updating our school supply lists for next year so I decided I would share it with you.  Un-used and gently used Kindergarten supplies will be coming home.  Perhaps you'd like to put these in a safe place and save these for the next school year :)

Click HERE for your copy of the 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Track and Field Day

The kindergartners and I always look forward to this exciting (and exhausting!) event.  We spend the entire day outside competing in lots of fun events that Mr. C has planned. Thank you to Joy, Heidi, and Heather, the kindergarten parents that joined us for the day!  The children are always so proud to have someone come to support them and I appreciate the extra help!

The first event of the day was the 3-legged race.

Emily and Gavin (below) were one of the winning kindergarten pairs! 
Aaron and Kylynn were the other.

Next was the sack race!

Then each class split in two groups to travel around to the different events.  

Some of the events included:

Football Kick
Softball Throw
50 yd dash
100 yard dash
Shuttle Run
Jump Roping...

Long Jump...
An obstacle course where children had to jump rope, do a summer sault, crawl through a tunnel, spin around a bat 5 times, then throw a tennis ball into the bucket...

A barrel race...

After all of those events, we took a break for lunch.  The afternoon was filled with team (class) competitions such as Tug-of-War...

The Fireman Relay where children fill a bucket (with holes!) in a swimming pool and bring it back to their classmates who must pass it from person to person until it reaches a big bucket at the end of the line...

 and Flag tag...

Once all of the events are completed, we meet in the gym for an awards ceremony where the top finishers in each event receive ribbons!  The Kindergartners are grouped with 1st grade and 2nd grade so any ribbons for us are quite impressive :)

Friday, May 11, 2012

KVR Day!

Yesterday was our annual KVR Day!  The kids (and I!) look forward to this day all year long.  It is a busy day, jam packed with LOTS of fun activities.  Enjoy the photos below.  We were in two separate groups most of the morning, so I wasn't able to get pictures of ALL the Kindergartners for the morning activities.

First was a ABC Nature Scavenger Hunt where we walked on a trail down to the pond looking for "nature things" that started with each letter of the alphabet. Our most exciting observation was a Sandhill Crane sitting on its nest!

After the scavenger hunt,  we planted flowers on the deck and pulled weeds out of the bark trail before we helped spread new bark on the path. 

After all of that work, it was time for a little fun in the "Project Room" where face painting and various craft projects were available to the kids who were finished with their jobs until it was time for lunch.

We enjoyed the cookout on the lawn of the Kickapoo Valley Reserve.

After lunch, the fun continued inside with a musical performance by Tom Pease

Then it was back outside for some large group games.

 We finished the day in the project room, making snack, working on crafts and getting our faces painted.

Thank you SO much to the Parents and High School Helpers that came to help supervise the events. Also thank you to Ms. Carrie Russell and the staff at the Kickapoo Valley Reserve for all of their hard work in planning this AWESOME event for our Elementary!

About The Teacher

My name is Heather Horton. This is my 5th year teaching at LaFarge Public Schools. I taught two years of Four-Year-Old Kindergarten & Early Childhood Special Education, followed by two years teaching Kindergarten. I am married and have a gorgeous little girl, who will turn two in January. We are expecting our second child at the end of September. I live next door to my parents, about forty minutes from LaFarge. The long commute is totally worth it! Not only do I get to see my family whenever I want, I also get to teach in a wonderful, supportive community with amazing children, families & co-workers!