Thursday, December 15, 2011

Promise Center Gift Exchange, Polar Express Day & PJs

Today was SO much fun!  The children were so excited to arrive to school in their PJs for a party day!  

This morning we read the book "The Polar Express" and the book "Pajama Time".

We exchanged our home-made gifts that we have been working so hard on.  The kindergartners made "Socktopuses" (an octopus out of an old sock) and gave one to every pre-schooler and every 1st Grader.  
The 1st Graders made Playdough for us.  The card they gave us was a butterfly that we can balance on our fingers!

The pre-schoolers made us a decoration with our names on them to hang in our rooms, on a door, or (as Kaidren pointed out) on our Christmas Trees!

We finished the day by taking our Golden Tickets to board the "Polar Express" in Mrs. G's room.  She punched our tickets at the door so we could enter and watch the movie.  

We took a snack break in the middle and enjoyed some hot chocolate.  Thanks to Evan, Gage, Kaidren, Kindale, Kirsten, and Gracie for bringing treats for us to enjoy on this very special day!

What an eventful day!

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About The Teacher

My name is Heather Horton. This is my 5th year teaching at LaFarge Public Schools. I taught two years of Four-Year-Old Kindergarten & Early Childhood Special Education, followed by two years teaching Kindergarten. I am married and have a gorgeous little girl, who will turn two in January. We are expecting our second child at the end of September. I live next door to my parents, about forty minutes from LaFarge. The long commute is totally worth it! Not only do I get to see my family whenever I want, I also get to teach in a wonderful, supportive community with amazing children, families & co-workers!