Sunday, September 11, 2011

* Fall Field Trip Fun *

October 10th - 14th is Fire Prevention Week.  
Every year, the LaFarge Fire Department invites students in Pre-K - 2nd Grade to the Fire Station!  Firefighters provide children with the unique opportunity to get an up close and personal look at their gear, trucks and equipment through several stations designed to both teach children safety skills and familiarize them with the sights and sounds they might encounter in a rescue situation.   

OCTOBER 13th is our annual Fire Station Trip.  
Weather permitting, we will walk to the Fire Station.  Please make sure your child dresses appropriately and wears comfortable shoes.  Parent volunteers are always appreciated on field trip days!  If you'd like to join us, meet us in the classroom at 1:00 or at the fire station at 1:30. 
Each school year, we try to take many of our field trips together, as a Promise Center.  Our Fall Promise Center trip this year will be to the Children's Museum of LaCrosse. 

We will visit the museum on Wednesday, October 19th.  

As always, parents are encouraged to attend.  Please fill out the permission slip that was sent home last week and return to school ASAP so we can prepare for a wonderful trip!  

If you'd like to learn more about the Children's Museum of LaCrosse, click the logo above to visit their website!

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About The Teacher

My name is Heather Horton. This is my 5th year teaching at LaFarge Public Schools. I taught two years of Four-Year-Old Kindergarten & Early Childhood Special Education, followed by two years teaching Kindergarten. I am married and have a gorgeous little girl, who will turn two in January. We are expecting our second child at the end of September. I live next door to my parents, about forty minutes from LaFarge. The long commute is totally worth it! Not only do I get to see my family whenever I want, I also get to teach in a wonderful, supportive community with amazing children, families & co-workers!