Thursday, August 18, 2011

SEPTEMBER EVENTS ~ Mark your calendars!

The beginning of the school year can be a very hectic time!   Organizing school supplies, filling out paperwork, and adjusting to new schedules will certainly keep us all busy.  Below is a list of dates to put on your calendar to ensure that nothing sneaks up on you:
  • Tuesday August 30 = Welcome Back Spaghetti Supper 4:30 - 6:30
    • Remember to bring...
      • Your child's school supplies
      • Phone Numbers (home, cell & work for parents & emergency contacts)
      • Addresses (where will the bus pick up/drop off? Emergency contacts?)
  • Thursday, September 1 = 1st day of school!
  • Monday, September 5 = Labor Day ~ No School
  • September 14 - September 18 = Vernon County Fair
    • Be sure to check out the booths featuring the Promise Center and the Art Department from our wonderful little school!
  • Thursday, September 22 = Picture Day!
Watch the "The Horton Herald", our weekly classroom newsletter, for changes and additional events.  I will try my best to keep this list up-to-date, as well.  

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About The Teacher

My name is Heather Horton. This is my 5th year teaching at LaFarge Public Schools. I taught two years of Four-Year-Old Kindergarten & Early Childhood Special Education, followed by two years teaching Kindergarten. I am married and have a gorgeous little girl, who will turn two in January. We are expecting our second child at the end of September. I live next door to my parents, about forty minutes from LaFarge. The long commute is totally worth it! Not only do I get to see my family whenever I want, I also get to teach in a wonderful, supportive community with amazing children, families & co-workers!