Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A note from the Library

La Farge LMC and Title I programs are teaming up to share the importance of family literacy. The week of November 7-11, 2011, there will be a variety of literacy events scheduled to coincide with the annual Scholastic book fair. Students and parents will be able to visit the library for the events and browse the selection of books for sale at the book fair. The Nook, electronic readers, will also be available for sharing. Drawings for book certificates will be held during the events giving lucky students the chance to select a book from the book fair. The following events are scheduled:
Pizza for Pops
A Family Literacy Event for 4K- Grade 5 Students and their Pops!

When: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 from 5:30- 6:30 P.M.

Where: La Farge MS/HS Library and Cafeteria

Attention La Farge Elementary Students: Bring your Pop (or Grandpa, or Uncle, or other “Special Pop”) to an evening Family Literacy event! It is a special evening at the La Farge MS/HS Library and cafeteria. We invite you to stop in anytime between 5:30- 6:30 P.M. on Tuesday evening to share a book, check out the new NOOK readers, enjoy a slice of pizza, sign up for door prizes, and browse the book fair.

Muffins for Moms
A Family Literacy Event for 4K- Grade 5 Students and their Moms!

When: Thursday, November 10, 2011 from 7:00- 8:00 A.M.
Where: La Farge MS/HS Library
Attention La Farge Elementary Students: Bring your Mom (or Grandma, or Aunt, or other “Special Mom”) to a special morning Family Literacy event! It is an exceptional morning at the La Farge MS/HS Library. We invite you to stop in anytime between 7:00- 8:00 A.M. on Thursday morning to share a book, check out the new NOOK readers, enjoy a muffin, sign up for door prizes, and browse the book fair

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Maternity Leave

After much anticipation, I am officially on maternity leave!  I left school early last Thursday, October 7th.  Later that afternoon, our son, Allen James was born!

Remember, while I'm gone, you can contact Carrie Russell with any questions or concerns.  She has access to my school voicemail so just call the classroom! Or e-mail her - russellc@lafarge.k12.wi.us

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

LaFarge School Blog

This year, many teachers at our school have created classroom sites to share about news and events with parents and community members.  To help everyone stay informed and connected, we now have a school blog, with links to all of the online resources related to our wonderful school.  Click the link below to check it out!

We truly are a "Small School Thinking Big!"

Monday, October 3, 2011


I sure have a very RESPONSIBLE group of Kindergartners this year!  They have adjusted to a full day of school, new teachers, and new routines very well.  There are several things we do in our classroom to encourage independence, responsibility, and respectful behavior.  Here is a little explanation of these things, so you understand what your kindergartner is telling you at home!


To the left is a picture of our "Behavior Chart".  This helps us monitor our behavior throughout the school day.  Children start the day on the GREEN square.  For exceptionally wonderful behavior, children can move up to PURPLE.  If a child ignores a verbal reminder given by a teacher more than one time, he/she moves down to YELLOW.  This is just a simple reminder to correct behavior.  The only consequence for being on yellow is not earning a smiley face on the prize sheet at the end of the day.  YELLOW, GREEN and PURPLE are all ok and mean that your child remained "Above the Line" throughout the day.  

If a child continues to ignore directions or does something a little more serious, like hitting a friend, they will move down to RED.  If a child moves "Below the Line", we will have a discussion about how to "Fix It" so that they can move back "Above the Line".  A note will be placed in the FISH Folder, letting parents know what happened.  

If behavior continues to be an issue, the child will move their name to the ORANGE square.  The consequences for being on orange are to lose a "play-time"...usually either the next recess or center time and, instead of playing, the student and I will discuss behavior, how to fix it and think of an appropriate sentence to copy, related to the misbehaviors for the day.  

For really poor behavior, the child will move their name to the BLUE square.  The consequence for being on this square is a a visit to Principal Muller.  Dene Muller is also our Director of Special Education and works with many children throughout the day.  If she is unavailable, the child will see Ms. Donovan or Mr. Wright.  

If behavior continues to be an issue after a visit with the Principal, the student will place a phone call to his/her parent and explain their behavior for the day.  

Children always move their own name card, so they always know what they were doing wrong.  I remind them again at the end of the day (provided I remember!  Sometimes our days get pretty hectic.) when they mark their FISH Folder, so they should be able to discuss it with parents when they get home.  

"Hoppy to Help"

Kindergartners are very eager to help out and everyone wants a
turn at most of our classroom jobs!  Having classroom jobs not only helps build a sense of community and encourage responsibility but also helps our class run smoothly.   
I change jobs on Mondays, so each child has their job for one whole week.  Some jobs cannot be done everyday, but many are done daily.  

Here is a list of our classroom jobs!
-Tub Tidier = organizes school supply tubs
-Milk Helper = gets milk for class at "Milk Break"
-Napkin Helper = passes out napkins for snack
-Straw Helper = passes out straws for "Milk Break"
-Recycling Police = takes garbage out of Recycling Bin
-Line Leader = 1st in line
-End Friend = last in line
-Hall Inspector = checks the floor after recess for stray clothing
-Table Washer = wipes tables down with sanitizing wipes
-Picture Mover = moves the pictures up after center time 
-Paper Person = passes out paper if I need a helper
-Substitute = does jobs for children that are absent
-Librarian = organizes our book shelf
-Messenger = takes messages/supplies to other teachers for me
-Plant Person = waters plants
-Calendar = helps during our daily calendar routine
-Pencil Person = sharpens our broken pencils
-Scrap Monster = uses dustpan to clean up small messes
-On Vacation = two children each week will have the week off


Above is a picture of a "Prize Sheet"  Children can earn "Smileys" on their prize sheet 2 ways.

1.  Good Behavior
~ Green = 1 Smiley
~Purple = 2 Smileys

2.  Doing their Classroom Job, if it is a job that must be done during play time.

Once children fill one row with 5 Smileys, they get to choose a reward from our "Good Behavior Catalog".

A few rewards in the catalog are:

- Sit by the teacher at lunch
- "Stinky Feet" - Go without shoes in our classroom
-"Pet for a Day" - keep a stuffed pet with you in our classroom
- "Nook" - Be 1st to use the Nook at Center Time

Once children fill their whole entire prize sheet, they get to choose a toy out of the "Prize Box"!

About The Teacher

My name is Heather Horton. This is my 5th year teaching at LaFarge Public Schools. I taught two years of Four-Year-Old Kindergarten & Early Childhood Special Education, followed by two years teaching Kindergarten. I am married and have a gorgeous little girl, who will turn two in January. We are expecting our second child at the end of September. I live next door to my parents, about forty minutes from LaFarge. The long commute is totally worth it! Not only do I get to see my family whenever I want, I also get to teach in a wonderful, supportive community with amazing children, families & co-workers!